Saturday, December 3, 2011

Body Language is Loud

Body language

is the only conversation we need

at times like this

I’m looking at you

looking at me


but your body’s leaning

mine is swaying

we making music

like guitar strings


piano keys

keying in on our melody

pheromones in



naked thoughts


we’re transparent

nothing to hide

we see each other

clearly, plainly, unadulterated

no words

telling lies

no misrepresentation


eye to eye




to intertwine

our fingertips

press our lips

rotate our hips

drop our clothes

like poker chips


around like roulette wheels

and every time we land

we land on one another

naked thoughts are real love walks in the garden.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tony Henry

Words cannot describe
Just what a joy it
Is to glance upon his
Face, anytime

I’ve stood next to him
Heard him speak
And sing melodies
That make me want

Put my arms around him
That’s how close I’ve been
He hugged me too
Held me closer affectionately

Looked into his eyes
Saw glimpses of a future
Kissed him on his cheek
And had to leave

Always there’s a smile on his face
A song waiting to be birthed
Deep within his heart
To put on another disc

I have pictures of him
All over me
Yet his fingertips
Only touch strings

He is and every photo
Looks like he’s still standing
Next to me

For what he does
Sitting on my desk
Just because

I’ve stood next to him
Heard him speak
And sing melodies
That make me want.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cheap Speak

He keeps saying
He’s going to make it happen
She thinks his mouth is only flapping
Like the flapper deep inside
The toilet bowl
With little control
With all the words floating
And swirling around in
The air
One good wind blowing
Could change the aroma in
The atmosphere
But he keeps saying
He’s going to make it happen
She hopes for his sake
It’s sooner than later
Prolonged straining is never
Good for any relationship
It hems us up or
Causes constipation of relating
Nothing gets out
And we die within
Stinking, empty words.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Know This

wanted you to know
that I'm good to go
just would like your
company while I walk
this road.
seems as if you've been
here before
I got no worries
no more than usual
and having you by my side
is a comforting thought
I'm hoping my shadow
isn't to omnibus
because apparently
I have the aura that
shakes the foundation,
stability of some
and drives others totally
how can that be
I can't explain it either
I only know what is
and waiting for what's meant
to be
lifetime or eternity.

Imagine That

My imagination helps me stay in the game
the game of life when I’m hanging out on a limb
of love’s tree
where like a ripened apple
I dangle waiting for the basket
to sit underneath to catch me

My imagination
my mental creation
puts me in a place
complete because therein
is me and you
no matter what the truth is

Faculties are all my energies
colors, powers, and decorative
imagery lined up in my cranium
that keeps you near me
helping to resolve love’s
fancy difficulties

The senses can’t touch
see, smell, hear or taste you
but the imagination makes you
present, ideal, distinct and eventually
consistent with my reality

My imagination is so resourceful
gives me the ability to sail along
while I wait for you to come around
to the concept of you and me
and illustrative piece of poetry.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Sometimes my skin is calloused
as ironic as it seems
this tough dermis
protects me
protects me from the demise
your words hope to inflict
on me

but the continued low level
friction has been a series
of fiction covered facts

that I told myself already
like I am Black
I am strong
I am poetry in motion
I can’t sing
I can’t dance
but I can paint a three
dimensional picture with my
vocabulary attached to my diction
hanging off my voice projected
I’m indifferent, unsympathetic
and even insensitive
to the pinpricks
the splinters
the stabbing of that dull knife
you call words of encouraging love
meant to cut and bleed my life

but the continued low level
friction has been a series
of fiction covered facts

that I told myself already
like I am beautiful
from the inside out
I am the mother I always
hoped to be
I am earth connected
but heaven descended
I can’t fly
or walk on water
but my words can
move mountains
I can’t explain it

but the continued low level
friction has been a series
of fiction covered facts

that I told myself already
like I am a Queen
from the beginning of the story
I will survive
and my heart will be hardened
just enough
to protect, provide and procure
the kingdom that has been set
up and aside for me
I shall endure
and in the end
all the evil spoken won’t matter
Sometimes my skin is calloused

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Unspoken Words

I would like to say
you're going to get what you deserve
for treating me like that
but my inner spirit won't
allow me to speak such bullets
hollow or otherwise
I'm a woman of love and no matter
the defecation I'm still not prone
to retaliation or defamation of your

I would like to see you get
what you get when you get it
for treating me like you did
I loved you with my every thought
and my every breath I even strangled
myself at the mention of your name because
the memories quickly asphyxiated my brain
my tears fell so heavy and thick I swear I know
how Jesus felt when he knelt.

I would love to see the look on your face
when you realize who you let slip thru the
cracks of your arrogance, self absorbed
naked confidence
that reflection of surprise, disgust and
self righteousness is going to be so distorted
like magic mirrors at the horror show
your going to want to close your eyes
but the resonance of my essence will be
buried and blooming on the inside of you.
You will never be rid of me, sweet!

Who Can See?

It's obvious
at least to me
that I got you
under my skin
without your hands
a single glance
a face to face moment
that's what I got
you approached me
that sequence I remember
but the first words you
spoke have long since disappeared
your name I have embedded
every time i speak it
i'm challenged
i still have tongue tied
issues but i'm willing
to keep calling you
until i get it right
i like the sight of you
that i recall when i
holding doors ajar for
me is a lovely melody
music to my femininity
muscle unseen
but felt.

Intimacy Defined

Intimacy with me is so much
more than skin on skin
is much deeper than
it takes fathom melodies
serious thinking
dictionary conversation
the teaching of words
is a lot of the charm
holding me close
to your body
with the strength of
your arms.
Intimacy with me is so much
more than skin on skin
it’s an expression
like the deep sigh
when you’re next to me
because my heart is being
choked by the rushing
of emotions that wants
to scream using the voice
of my passion
to tell you how much I
want to be familiar with your

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Over the Top

If I was a cup of coffee
the level of
once you tasted me
would be never ending
because with every drop
of sweetness you added to
the cup it would
cause me, your delectable
cocoa to overflow
coconut from the tallest
tree would increase
my flavor
you wouldn't be able
to consume enough of me.
brown sugar
grown and picked by your
loving hands
would surmount
your taste buds
and spin your head
every extra spoonful of
enriching syrup
would cause me
to be an overflowing
running over
Nubian tall cup of

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

That Word Optional

Things you ask for that
When you get
You feel special
But with love
Is like
Take away
Because someone
Just loss a
Piece of themselves
From this torture
There seems no escape
Being optional
Means the existence of
The heart is not considered
How can such a viable
Presence be disregarded
Being left out on purpose
If not to rise
To the top
Or head of the line
Of choices
Is simple demise
Passion gone dry
Blood has left
The body
The eyes
Breath is strangled
Love is left gasping
Sleep has married
Together they make
Baby stress
The art of napping
Has left
No one’s laughing
No one loves
No one’s caring
That word optional.


I’m love on restriction
held back by the laws of attraction
I wanna run wild
disregarding the fact
that you’re not worth my while
a measure of attention
that causes one to forget
how to logically form
a valid opinion
you’re a good man
but you haven’t met the quota yet
so mother nature
and father time
have established boundaries
to keep you from crossing and me
from tossing aside all my common
and clawing thru the defining line

I’m love on restriction
held back by the laws of attraction
I wanna break through these constraints
and drag the barbwire over to your
imposing these restrictive conditions
hoping you’d understand
and change your regulatory habits
to coincide with the limitations
enforced by mother nature
and father time
allowing these ceilings to be lifted
so you and I can positively
connect discontinuing the arguments
and do some creative functioning!

Make A Fool of Me

Not that I really want you to do
this in the way that it sounds,
to knock me down
have me crying in the night
but make a fool of me
to have me jubilant
smiling from ear to ear
Passionately overwhelmed
and overtaken
with the memory of our last
I see your lips in my recollection
get lost in the hazel of your irises
glean at the brightness of
your complexion
all the while
the pleasure of your heart
visible by the upturning
corners of your orifice.
Make a fool of me
the kind that will dance
for you as gracefully
as I move when I’m with you
when I’m home alone
and whispering to my reflection
reminiscing or imagining your
arms around me and the margins
of your mouth pressed against mine.


You have some of the sweetest lips
bet you’re wondering how I know
for I haven’t touched them with any
part of me
but the pleasing fragrance of your presence
as you sat so close to me
has lingered
upon my memory
the fair yet lightly
colored complexion
you possess gives me
candy flavored
my favorite being caramel
you leave an aftertaste
in my mouth that makes
me crave you all the more
You have some of the sweetest lips
the thought of you is making it hard
to resist
the thought
the next action
should you decide to come near again
a honey dipped darlin’
I’m going to unwrap you
like Godiva chocolate
slow and
and savor the flavor
of your aroma
I’m even going
to save the gold foil
to preserve you
next to my bed
for good night
resting everytime
I close my eyes and
lay down my head.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Silence Isn't Golden for Me

I detest the sound of silence it's grossedly loud.
Keeps me so occupied I can't think straight has my mind in a fog.

I hear voices of variety all except the one my heart's tuned for.

Silence monopolizes my energy, controls the very being that keeps trying to get free.

Silence sucks up my common sense, gets all my attention, rationale takes a flight.
Jet noise is a cousin, they both together shake me to my core.

Silence is the response that questions equate to ignore, it's the sound of broken glass tossed across the room by the eyes of jealousy looking through a tinted sliding door.

Silence is broken, she's now stretched out on the floor, nothing’s flowing right.
She's a sponge, silence eradicated, absorbed!


Where can he be.
Heaven only knows.
A representative keeps showing up.
Has me fooled from the start.
Because he looks authentic from the onset.
And has a vernacular that strikes the cord.
Of my inner connections.
We exchange info.
Starting with an interesting convo.
His stimulating qualities.
Capture me.
I have no repellent.
At that moment.
Don’t even recognize.
Turns out.
His stand in.
Is inadequate, insipid.
Without taste to be pleasing.
To my inner energies.
Rather bland.
I’m still waiting for the real man.
A man of his word.
Doing and speaking.
After 5pm and
All weekend.
Time for me.
Not optional just plain priority.
I’m not stupid.
Neither is he.
Must just be some.
Between him and me.

Sick of It!

Got my hands around your neck
Holding down all that is within me
Trying to rise up to the surface
And drown me.

Like postprandial pain.
After every meal.
You're predictable.
Almost disgusting.
Please leave me alone.

Head In The Toilet 14

Don’t know why.
Some men.
Feel the need to lie.
It’s okay to greet me.
With a hello and a smile.

But please stop asking.
For my phone number.
If you know you gon’
Start lying to me.
After while.

The first time.
I start to recognize.
A pattern.
Imma stop responding.
And start reacting.

I won’t be messy.
Or even hot tempered.
Matter of fact.
Imma be so cold.
You’ll think it’s winter

Friday, September 16, 2011

I Ain't Never Been Scared.

I have carried containers of substances
With both these hands
That left my nostrils
Exposed to scents
And still been able
To smile.
Ask God, He'll tell you.

Secretly I Wanted

Secretly I wanted.
Him to find me.
Doing something, anything.
Besides waiting
For him to come into my life.

I wanted him to roll.
Up on me with a plan.
An agenda.
A word.
A word of confirmation to match.
The word I already heard.
Sounding like bookends.
That keep chapters of my life together.
Standing up.
And out from the other fictional ones.

Secretly I wanted him
To know what kind of Woman.
I was by my presence, my essence.
His prayer in the day to .
His universal life line.
To listen and hear the
Dominance in my voice, laced with
A thread of compassion, security and

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Puppy Love

Puppy love kinda feelings.
I'd walk a hallway mile.
To see him.
Standing there in a uniform
That says security

I'd sweat.
Just floating on a cloud.
To be near him
To whisper
To hold his memory
In my hand.

Bring me an umbrella
To keep me covered.
In the rain.
Wind blown away.
I'd get wet.
To be near him.

A turn.
Around U style.
He's so close.
A phone call.
Within reach.
But I'll keep dreaming.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Feel Good Dotted Lines

Good feelings.
smiling faces.
tingling spines.
twinkling eyes.
sensual sweaty hands.
hearts racing.
six foot stance.
standing with heads in the clouds.
atop a mountain of love
shouting out loud.
I love this man.
I love this woman.
is anybody listening.
do we care.
no, not really.
it's our wonderland
fantasy island
planes on planes
we lay
we sway
we get up and do it again
Good feelings.
smiling faces.
tingling spines.
twinkling eyes.
signing on dotted lines.

I Like the Feel

I like the way it feels
Cool, refreshing, sea smelling breeze
Sitting in a place surrounded\
By sounds of serenity.

My own heart beat touched
By the lover of my soul
Kissed by the universe
Under the spotlight of the sun
By day
And the glow of the moon
By night.

I like the way it looks
A midnight sky
Star filled, I'm a twinkle in
His eyes
Over in the distance is a
But his are still on me,
Those two orbits.

Cloudy Thinking

Nebulus occurrences hiding the sun
Of my smile.
The fire of my furnace deep in
The basement of my heart
Is ablaze from sun up to sunset

Nothing or no one puts that fire out
Embers are hot
They smolder and never go out
I'm a flame
And yet I'm flame retardant
His blue will accent my orange

Together we'll be unstoppable
A force like fire hydrant pressure.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Tell It to Your Man

Wake up in the morning and tell your man, any man
the things he needs to hear not what your emotions tell you to say,
he can get that from you any day.

Wake up in the morning and tell your man, any man
that he's a great man,
your honored to know him
to have him as your man
your friend
your brother
your father
your husband
tell him nobody does it the way he does it
whatever it is that he does so well.

Wake up in the morning and tell your man, any man
how he makes the sun shine brighter
just by his presence on any scene
tell him humility is commendable
that his little bit added to the universe
makes monumental changes, believe that!

Wake up in the morning and tell your man, any man
own his heritage
for his strength is in it.

Wake up in the morning and tell your man, any man
how gorgeous he is because his Spirit is and it shines
through, it radiates if you will, no matter what his flesh says.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Maybe I Should Scream

Maybe I Should Scream

Some men just don't get me
friendship is a stepping stone to
bigger, better relationships if two agree
today I'm just interested in getting acquainted
you don't have to tell me no lies, fabricated melodies
or even imaginary fish stories
today you don't even need an alibi
we're just conversing, conversating
whichever word helps you get my meaning
we don't have to hold hands, or pray together
nothing red flagish, squeamish or I gotta go lingo

Some men just don't get me
I like your presence, something about you
is inviting, extremely engaging
I want to sit and listen to what you have to say
the accent of your voice telling me where you're from
where you're going, can I come
I like your energy, you bounce a wrestler kind of move
your words sound like justice ringing in my ear
your smile is genuine I can see it in your eyes
can't we lingering here just a little while longer
until our bond strengthens and we become
friends for life.

Some men just don't get me
it's true I'm waiting for him
but he knows who he is and when he
shows up I'll know him too
but today it's just me getting to know you
friendship is a stepping stone
and we all gotta walk that path
that leads to commitment when we agree
but today it's just me getting to know you
no alibis needed, no red flagish kind of scene
only melodies of voices, synchronized choices

Some men just don't get me.

She's Waiting

While she waits she considers how long shall she stay in place with baited breath, breathing only on cue or so it seems, expectations mighty high like smoke bellowing from the refinery's pipes dark and sometimes white but nonetheless stifling, choking, and suffocating life.

While she waits the advertisement says it, over and over again wait your turn like long lines at amusement parks, but there's nothing amusing going on in her world she struggles to remain still and grounded while the merry go round spins out of control or so the illusion seems.

While she waits she can't seem to get any service, love is on constant delay, detoured and deviated. The timing is all off, tables are set, chairs are empty and yet the aroma coming from the kitchen speaks volumes that the cuisine is definitely ready to be presented, she salivates.

While she waits, stationary is something that she uses to communicate, spilling her emotions onto paper with red ink as her soul bleeds in readiness of expectation like a train racing down the track, she's pacing.

While she waits pausing for the cause time still can't catch up and love is effortlessly passing her by, the eyes do look forward expectantly and her mind thinks is that him approaching.

While she waits she's available, ready and poised to consider the idea that she just might have to put this love to bed because the waiting has her in a state, should she remain temporarily neglected and unrealized or just unravel.

One Good Man

It's not hard to write about a good man, it's just hard to write about the good man I want.
The man I want must not be the man I need.
We be like two opposite ends of the magnet, two opposing teams of tug of war, like oil and water, we just don't mix, we don't blend, we seem to pass like ships in the night, like black rubber soles that still slip on grease, neither loves gets a grip.

It's not hard to write about a good man, it's just hard to write about the good man I want.
I promise he was standing right in front of me, must've been my eyes playing dirty tricks on me.
I know I heard him say he wanted to see me, but I was standing right there in front of him too. I must be transparent, but I know I saw my reflection.

It's not hard to write about a good man, it's just hard to write about the good man I want.
Maybe just maybe I should change my strategy and write about the good man every woman wants.
The good man every woman wants, wants a good woman that every man wants. I'm getting a new shirt!


Today the sun isn't shining and it seems that happiness has lost it's way. She's looked high, he's looking low, it's hard to find your when you don't know which way to go. Maps haven't been designed yet according to the mind that helps them find their way to love, they're destined to be lost not found.

Today the sun isn't shining but the day their love was lost it was a bright, hot and windy atmosphere. The beams of light flowed from above and they got distracted, blinded and misquided for they took their eyes off the prize, the heaven enveloped, that stood before their eyes, the good.

Today the sun isn't shining and reign is in the forecast, heartache is going to live long and fall with every drop, every thought and unspoken word. She's looking high  and he looked low, neither one of them carried an umbrella to give the heart shade of protection. Love is tired, wet, and burning from the elements, the bad.

Today the sun isn't shining and she's getting bitchier by the step. His pace, his gait and his stance they're all off,  he's angrier by the pound of the pavement. Lost not found. The truth is love is sitting on the bench waiting. They can't hear, they can't see and they go 'round and 'round, the ugly.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's All I Want

Getting through to him is like
sinking in quicksand
there's nothing to it
my words disappear as fast as I
can think them
as fast as I can say them
as fast as I can text them
it's like he reads them but he's
but that ain't it at all
I have no clue
does he,
who knows

All I want is for him to get me
it's like wet cement
you know you can make an impression
just as soon as it dries
but the drying time
is so unstable
even if it's predictable
I write the words with my fingers
with my hearts blood
that's running thin like ink
I'm not confused about it
but I swear I can't think
I know I'm wasting away
just my time
'cause I'm strong
framework is steal
like someone keeps moving
my boundary lines
I put up with him
and his shenanigans
just until I've had enough
or better yet 'til the
sun rises on my presence
and recognition shows up
in it's purest form

All I want is to hear
melodies that sound like
threads of fine cotton
sewing me to him
with the humming of the
machine that holds
the fabric of life together
with a seam of certainty,
sheets of love like
arms that embrace while the words
flow like endless rivers of vernacular
smooth as silk and strong as steel.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Fondness of You

I've grown attached to you in the shortest time

nothing insane, simple sweetness for you like candy

softly want to squeeze you with the tenderness needed

to handle chiffon

an affection for you like the kind that can't be turned off no

matter how hard you try

I want to be all over you like the protective wrap that ensures

my valued collection stays priceless through centuries of ageless


Smitten so that I get weak at the knees when I reminisce upon

the first kiss, your lips being my preference

I got a predilection for you

simply put you're my favorite

my soft spot with your name on it

is located in places

all over me some indescriminately

no one can see and others cover me

from the top of my head to the

bottom of my feet

like laughter points that you excite

with your featherlike touch

The fondness of you is likened to

sheer devotion but I approach you

with slowness cause the weakness

you create in me dictates I operate in caution

heartbreak is not an option

my penchant for you is homerun strong!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I wanna feel you like you permeate my innards but I don't wanna be intoxicated by your presence 'cause I want us both to have total recall of the first moment we tasted, walked, felt, breathed and drank each other into each other everytime we taste, walk, feel, breathe and drink each other again and again.

I wanna feel you like when my eyes see you the synergy of my brain tells my heart to pump faster so the blood will flow through my veins making my limbs move me closer to you to feel your arms around me again and your passion on my skin and this happens when I see you in my dreams because seeing you in the flesh takes my breath away, that's how I wanna feel you.

Romance when the sun and moon pass each other in the setting moments to leave behind stars of each others presence and then they align those same stars like twinkles in the midnight sky to leave a message of sovereignty letting us know that the keeper of the universe has his eyes on us and we are solid.

Merge with osmosis it's not hard at all since our bodies are the tendency of a fluid, seventy-five percent water we can pass through each other's closeness our skins into a solution of endless love where the love concentration is higher, thus equalizing the passion we possess in our individualism making us stronger apart as we are together! Osmosified. We can do this with the greatest of ease.

My Knight for a Night

Tall, lanky and vertical
accepted the task on second thought
maybe he wanted to be the hero for a
lady just on principle.

Smiled at me while asking if I indeed was
ready to leave, we mounted the pavement
and began to walk, he had me on the inside of the path
held his arm outstretched to keep me on the curb and
in less than a block we were
at the entrance of a powerful mechanical steed.

He was a perfect gentleman invested by the King to make
sure this first lady had safe passage back to her new homeland
bound to the codes of chivalrous conduct he forged thru
the masses with a tight grip of my hand.

The mechanical steed had seats too many to count yet no two
side by side so my knight for a night sat me in the saddle
while he stood next to me smiling while still on his feet. In terms
of distance he went the extra mile.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fair Trade

She put her all into it, whatever it was at the time
upon your request, she put her heart into the motions
of her fingers, to create a thing of beauty through the pain.

And you want to give her mere pennies for her commodities,
making them by hand makes them priceless, far above an even exchange
she lives in the same world but another country.

You've admired her creations from afar, now you stand up close
and personal,can touch her and the words coming from your mouth
are an insult you should feel shame for trying to rob her blind.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Waiting for Solomon

The man who can express himself to God
is the man I'm waiting for
wisdom abounds within him way beyond
his years of presence among men,
extraordinarily wise, a sage.
He knows his purpose, his place,
his peace for it is more than just
scribed in his name
it's his heritage to lead flocks
of people women and men.
Wisdom, wealth and writing
he's a poet, an accountant and a counselor
with words that speak volumes
he will greet me, "oh most beautiful woman"
jewelry will only enhance me in his eyes.
The king of all suitors
he will bring peace with his stride
a warm touch with his hands
his kiss will be sweet like wine
and his fragrance will spread
like the sound of his name.
All the women adore him
rightly so, but he will be mine
and I will be his.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

By the Moonlight

She wants to sit in a place
lit by the midnight's sky
next to an oak tree
next to the man of her dreams
listening to the sounds of nature
from the humm of an insect
to the whispers of the wind.
she wants to sit in a place
with a bird's eye view of serenity
alongside her soulmate who
somehow got away decades ago
when she followed the wrong path
because noone could tell her
which way to go, heart loss.
She wants to sit in a place
next to the water's edge
where the fall is effervescent
bringing everything back to
the forefront of memory lane
and remain suspended in air
next to an oak tree
on a mountain top
alongside her soulmate

My Paradise

Solitude is where I find the greatest concentration of pleasure yet I'm all alone, just me, my thoughts and silence golden, mind often wanders to places completely unknown no fences just green grass and harmony, I roam.

Twisted as the veins that tangle and weave confinement is as strong as the material used to entwine, my paradise is a state of mind, I like it alot sometimes, and then there are the days when loneliness takes over and I want to let someone in but alas I'm my own island.

Sailing on the open seas searching high and low for someone who thinks like me, not sick or contagious or immune system deficient but I promise this state of serene feels much like quarantine and I fight, I fight with me, my inner strength, my feminist.

I walk until my feet can stand no more and when I stop I'm at a place with what seems like many doors I have my choice of which one to enter in, my paradise is a wilderness and the trees are my view, my shade, my sustenance, for fruit hangs from every one.

Isolation is a wonderful place for me, problems that surround the body in the distance can't reside near me for they drag, deplete, and discourage. I'm trying to encourage the masses they resist and I must withdraw my island paradise doesn't want your emptiness.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Caribbean Dreams

Sun hanging high in the sky
giving off rays that warm the
sand between my toes
refreshing beverage
and fruit galore
tropical climate to adorn
my days and sparkle my nights
ocean water
crystal clear
yet, blue turqoise
as far as the eyes can see
trees with vibrant green leaves
adorning me with shadows sweet
and a cool breeze comforting
my mahogany skin
standing on my feet
frolicking endlessly
waiting on reality
to meet my daydreams
giving new life
to my words
living with ease
in paradise.


He's so blatantly honest
don't know if I should
be disgusted
one thing about his honesty
it makes him trustworthy
I guess
he'd undress me and caress me
and tease me and please me
even make his mouth say
words to engage me
maybe consider marrying me
but the bastard would still
make out with some woman
from his past, 'cause letting
go of what he likes don't
come easy,
what kinda shit is that?
I think I'm mad
just for knowing so much truth
but proud to tell you
that the last time we were
together he kissed me
and I felt nothing matter of fact
if I let him kiss me again
I'd have to teach his ass how
to do it right
to top it off he had
a water bed
and making love
on a motion filled surface
never appealed to me
so I'll stick to
the four legged bed
and a one woman man

Morning Glance

"EARTH MOTHERS" (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ..WINK, WINK, TAKING CARE OF EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING.. DIVINE MOTHER WIT (WISDOM) Thanks for all you do for so many!! You Give Birth (Creativity, Love, Courage, Intelligence, Guidance) Love You! ~Ria

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Wanna Hear

I wake every morning
to sights so beautiful
glancing through the window
looking at the picture frames
that surround the faces of
those I love and hold dear
a time in the past
I was close enough
to touch
to embrace
to kiss
now my dawns are a work of art
I use my memories to paint
collages on canvasses in
my mind spaces left blank
by the absence of virtual visions
I read your words in black and white
some come in color but nothing compares
to the passion warmth that
exudes from your lips to
my ears
I wanna hear your voice

I Write Poetry

I write poetry to stay alive
amongst a sea of seaweed
trying to strangle the life
out of me
As the moonlight dances on the water
in an attempt to disquise the oceans

I write poetry, it helps me breathe
through the tiniest, finest threads of
going on around me
The walls appear to be skyscraper high
figments of the imagination
that my pen can make

I write poetry when I need to fight
it's like putting gloves on
that cushion the blow I deliver
with my words when I'm on the floor
A right hook is my specialty
it hits the mark
your thoughts or your heart!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Random thoughts
create deep sighs
heart is wrenched
yet encased to be
protected from arrows of
twisted thinking
invites in the
thrill of satisfaction
gotten by the disguise
the lies of lust
that produces instant
with no long term
but I won't prostitute
even my poetry
to get a surreptitious glance of
me is all he'll get.


I got two good eyes
to see with but only my
imagination forms
you, you show up in my night
vision known as dreams, dreams
that seem to be taking forever
to come true, true to my heart is
how I must remain while I wait
for you to step out of my subconscious
into my reality.

I Miss You

Nights spent center stage
first step in a succession of many
started out slow but we always
have lots of energy
we caress each other with our words
never the finger tips
only with pens
and voices strong
passion sounds like screaming
but we be getting along
teams of both sexes
battling it out
until the mic hits the floor
we go down hard
and sensitive
leaving the audience
wanting more
I miss every inch of you
every one of you
my platform arrived
yet it was already
with just enough room for me
at the Inn
my journey
to the land of coffee beans
from one Venue to
so many that only
Busboys and Poets are
now my latest family
we get together whenever
time allows
exchanging vowels for vows
of engaging vernacular
that resonates in our hearts
making sweet sorrow the
end results of our parts
we hold on to our faith
to fight the fear so tears
won't show
no idea when we'll
wrap dictionary terms
around another Illustration
of the power of prose.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hide & Seek

where is the love specifically for me?
hiding in the shadows of the oak tree
standing in the middle of broad day
escaping the rays of light by a narrow
margin of doubt
because that's what haunts me in the
corners of my heart
how can finding me be so hard
I promise I'm standing right
here in the middle of erotica's front yard
can't you see me
of course you can
I pray for patience
'cause it's true I want the ready man
the man ready
to have me just as I am
it's understood I'm strong enough to
survive on my own
but I long to belong to you
to love
to cherish
to honor
to be reciprocal, perpetual
with the joys of living out loud
to share the throne of reigning
the two of us on the number 9 cloud.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Morning Glance

Morning Glance is the title of my first manuscript, it is a daily devotional type of book, that I will have published in the near future.

Today's excerpt:
Sitting still is often a great position to assume in one's daily life. There is so much to be attained that can fuel you for the rest of the day, one minute at a time. As I sat this morning looking out the window I heard a beautiful melody coming from a bird I could not see. Be encouraged that beauty does abound even if your blind to it. Let the fragrance of it's presence soothe you and propel you to do great things for yourself and those you love, as God loves and provides.


Seems as though that which she desires is so far

out of reach

morning comes and still she can't see

a glimpse, a blink or a shadow

of what she hopes will be

like a mirage in the desert her life

has turned dry and sandy

windblown in the darkest of night and cold

fighting back the tears that hide waiting to

overtake her false sense of pride

she longs to hold and to be held by the hand

cherished, treasured and consumed like

a satisfied craving for a rich piece of chocolate

with almonds, a sweet caramel blend

Home for her heart is in the distance

this is what powers her fierce desire

a resting place filled with all the things she's

longing for....

Monday, July 11, 2011

For Sale

He obviously didn't
give it much thought
before he let his most
valued asset go

Was only thinking
about the pain he
was feeling at the moment
not realizing it would be back

He sold it
in the blink of an eye
the whisper of a word
the soothing of the throat

It was priceless
had long term
inscribed all over
it's inherited wealth

Birthright, family, self,
dignity and leadership
somethings aren't for
sale at all.

Happy HairDay

Natural woman
growing hair naturally
white cream free
freedom from chemical chains
styling sometimes hard
but full of dignity
dreadlocks the style I choose
maintaining them
on my own has proven to be
quite the challenge
yet easy
Frustration did arise
almost grabbed the scissors
to cut them down
to size
someone stopped me with a
word of praise
Suggested I give them names
alas dreadlocks saved!
Naia drapes the nape of my
neck flowing
Tempest and Temple
hang near my ears
Caprice & Carrie
do their own free spirit
thing on the crown of my head
so I've given identity
to five
signifying grace
My hair is my glory
putting a smile on my face
while telling another version
of my story.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

One Chapter

My life is an open book
she says this to people all the time
when they ask where did you come
from and how did you get here,
here being the state of mind
calm spirit
she seems to exude
all the time
when given the opportunity to tell
the story
it never sounds good
the trial
the tribulation
but she smiles and says
she understands how they're
for she used to have her own
gave too much credit
to the tools
of trade
the people who make
the rules that govern
the land
she has since discovered
that the plan all along
was to move
the minds of man/woman
that they
would believe
they had control of her
present let alone her future
but the God she serves
today is the
same God that
her ancestors
the spotlight
has revealed
an orchestrated play
and she is the main
the Queen
to succeed
all else are pawns
in a laid out
that the minds of men
will never comprehend.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Voice of a Nation

I want to be the
voice of hope
of reason
of undying love
the advocate for all
the little girls
who've grown into
that understandably
hold onto anger
hurt and fear
thrown upon them
by some
with low self esteem
so many years ago
I want to be the voice
that eradicates
brings the
vision back
the soul
planting new seeds
of worth
of knowledge
of peace
that makes her whole
I have no idea
what the monster
of wrong feels or looks
I want to be the pillow
of words
rests her head on
at night
knowing there's
a higher power
that will eventually
make all things
the memories will
never disappear
but I want to be
the voice that calms
the fear that helps
her forgive
so she can
in her heart
and live
I want to be that voice.

Last Stand

If I could go back in time
I'd leave you where I found you
because although your presence
is worth a thousand words
your present wrapped up in beautiful
brown skin is priceless
in a worthless kind of way
I took you home with me
considered your every dream
your every wish
served you life's good pleasures
on the best of my dishes....
your manners were like
prehistoric, non existent
flimsy paper plates

If I could go back in time
I'd leave you where I found you
standing at the edge
I reached out my hands
grabbed and held you close
to me
we took off running
I thought we agreed to never look back
seems as if forward vision was
meant to be seen and not heard
obviously you weren't paying

In The Natural

Sitting at the house
looking out the window
past the balcony
thinking how good
my life is
holding onto to hope
for the coming of abundance
in all aspects of living
but my earthen woman
is distracted almost distraught
at the truth because
in the natural
there is a sense of lacking
in companionship
bill paying
activities that resemble
laughing sometimes
at reality but
overflowing giggles
while viewing television
eating less than normal
needing my own personal
garden of fruits and vegetables
travelling around the world
is only in my dreams
knowing full well that
fulfilling my purpose on earth
is the beginning of my means
to my end so I wait with great hope
in the natural
I'm a wreck.

Friday, July 8, 2011

What Happens Next

He's standing there with

the box gripped tight in his hand

the words that came from her

mouth he just can't understand

sounded like she said no but what

he heard was something

like I'm not that kind of girl

it was an immune response

a skin graft gone wrong

he was trying to transplant

his heart to hers

but she wasn't accepting

only rejecting

how harmful is that

tellin' the man to take the ring back

so he's standing there

with his strongest organ

in his hand, his heart

big in passion

but small enough to fit in a box

he thought they were compatible

never imagined she'd resist

treat him like some foreign


now she dares to say lets go back

to the way we were

no idea

that immunological incompatability

doesn't get a second chance

rejection, dejection is the same as

ejection an attack of the flesh

that one can never retrack

what happens next

is someone new

another transplant

no more her

his heart's in a box

at the bottom of lovesick lake.

We Get High

He's my long chain of amino acids

makes me feel good if only in my mind

he binds to my neuroreceptors without using his hands

relieves my pain in a manner similar to that of morphine

something I've only heard about

demerol is the strongest drug

that ever ran through my veins

He's dope

thoughts of him flow through me like he resides

in my pituitary gland,

he's my major threefold pain killer

my analgesic opiates

makes all my pain go away

in an instant like vicodin

my body receptors are activated by the mere thought of him

I'm so natural that when we get together

we make painkilling compounds

and it's all ectasy


morphine within

endorphins connect

our euphoric feelings increase our appetite

we modulate and regulate

we got sex hormones all over the place

so we do it again and

like prolonged, continuous exercise

we produce

a "runner's high"

He's my long chain of amino acids.