Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hide & Seek

where is the love specifically for me?
hiding in the shadows of the oak tree
standing in the middle of broad day
escaping the rays of light by a narrow
margin of doubt
because that's what haunts me in the
corners of my heart
how can finding me be so hard
I promise I'm standing right
here in the middle of erotica's front yard
can't you see me
of course you can
I pray for patience
'cause it's true I want the ready man
the man ready
to have me just as I am
it's understood I'm strong enough to
survive on my own
but I long to belong to you
to love
to cherish
to honor
to be reciprocal, perpetual
with the joys of living out loud
to share the throne of reigning
the two of us on the number 9 cloud.

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