Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Last Mile

I slept so close to him
In that twin size bed
That I dreamt
I was alone instead
His body heat made me sweat
And then it lulled me to sleep
Just lying there juxtaposed
Me to him
Him to me
Brilliant intimacy
Peaceful rest
Soft pillows
Moist lips
And a strong embrace
A few sensous moments
On two brown faces.

Monday, July 30, 2012


I got happy when I heard him say
In another thirty minutes he'd be on the way
I had been patient more than a can admit
But I believed that one day soon would be it
I prepared myself for his arrival
From the simplest things to the fantastical
And when I had him in my sights
We drew nigh unto one another and squeezed tight
His lips are full the Black man kind
Kissing him is always on my mind
Spending quality time with him
Is my heart's desire for to me he's a gem
He did that, crossed miles wrapped in hours
To show up on my door step with living flowers

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Too Many Miles

Love and distance
Not a comfy fit
Gives me cause to cry
So I find myself a corner
And shed tears 'til
I feel better
I feel better
I'm reminded someone
Loves me miles away
It's good though
However I long for a touch
To go with that love
Sitting on my cloud
Of ambiguity
I know I'm worthy
But love and distance
Not a comfy fit

Monday, July 23, 2012


I just want to strip you
Remove the covering off of you
That she left
Designed only to destroy
I just want to strip you
Like the fruit of the watermelon
Once removed only leaves a rind
Useless pieces discarded
I just want to strip you
Of your clothing because they
Only have you confused
As to what you and I are supposed to do
I just want to strip you
Of the false and expose
Your true essence
Like turpentine
Reveals the real hue of the wood
Free of varnish
I just want to strip you
So I can enjoy you
My Natural Man

Journey of The Pen

I held you in my hand
I thought I had you all to myself
And then it happened
I went to sleep 
Lost my grip
Before I knew what had transpired
You were gone on a short trip
The course we started on has
taken us in separate directions
And yet I live
For the words we wrote
Have now taken on a different path
They've been made audible
Some signals too low
And others too high
But someone gets
This journey that we are on
For they are suitable travelling buddies
Progress of the pen leads a poet to passage
That connects the past to the present 
Ascribing a future
That only penholders get
The pen
Is my best character witness
Held in anyone's hand
An instrument for writing
Drawing and scribbling
Life is my paper
Ink has the strength of blood
It's serious
Just as important as rivers of water
Detachable metal penpoints
The writer flows a vernacular
Sweet, sexy, strong
And sentimental
Journey of the Pen

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Poetry is My Love

I can think of so many reasons
To answer the why
Of just why do I love poetry
Poetry had a thing for me before
I could string a sentence
Prepare a phrase
Stand a stanza
Vibe a verse
Or turn a page
I tell you poetry has loved me
Before the age
And when he sat me down
To teach me how to love him back
I smiled with relief
Because I realized he was going to
Be the man for me for all my life
You see poetry gives me the feeling
Of bliss totally everyday
He tells me I can tell him everything
That's on my heart or on my mind and all my concerns
Poetry is like God 
He never leaves me or
Thinks I'm overreacting
Or emotionally out of control
Poetry knows me inside out
When I'm awake or sound asleep
Loves me like he made me
Caresses me tenderly
And matures me magically
When poetry holds my hand we pen words
That sometimes only he and I can understand
I can cry, shout, rant and rave on paper and out loud
And he gets me most often and when he doesn't
There's no storming out or slamming doors
Poetry just brings me more paper
A microphone
A stage
A soapbox
And so much more
Poetry is my love
He whispers words of mesmerizing melodies
Blows in my ear
And bites me on my neck
When he has me at his will
He moves in closer and kisses me on my lips
I exhale to be inhaled
And revived
Poetry reminds me how loved I am
Life is wonderful
I'm glad that I'm alive
Still when cloudy days come
Trying to leave the blues on my doorstep
Powerful prose presents itself
I get my strength
Stand tall and reflect
I'm a force
A word warrior
Poetry has my back
And these are just a few good reasons why I love Poetry like that.

If my tears could talk

I'm standing at the table
Telling pages of my life
Like how I came to be here
Amongst this crowd
And as I reminisce
And reflect
The wells of water mixed with salt
Are rising in my eyes
The tears I shed
Are silent
Without words or sounds
But if they had a voice
They'd tell you not to worry
Because I follow a course set
In motion
By the God of all gods
The tamer of the oceans
Every drop is unique
Has it's own name
But not a verb
A noun
Or adjective
The walk I walk is backed
Up by the promise talked
I am but a vessel designed by

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Love Letters Returned

I write him everyday
Words that say
How much I love and adore him
In so many ways
I lick a stamp
Seal an envelope
Leave my aroma
And lip print
So he's sure to get
My essence
I don't inspire him
I write him everyday
Dying the paper
With ribbons of life
Yet drops of blood
Touch him not
My heart is on the brink
Of explosion
From working to hard
His disdain is giving my poetry
A literary blood clot
I don't inspire him yet
I write him everyday
Love letters marked return to sender
No such address

Monday, July 9, 2012

Eyes On Me

I need to see you
From the inside out
Because the you I lay my eyes on daily
Can't be all you're about
There's got to be something
Ruminating deep down within
From love to life
You can't be full of empty
Lust and havoc
I need to see you
A lot
Past the eyes of you
A little deeper
Into the heart of you
Where I can grab a hold
To the hands of your being
So we can walk together
Get somewhere
And be stranded
Attached to each other
Over covered
Connected delicately
Without influence
From the turbulent ones
Who would have us
At odds with one another
Whirling around in a mess
Instead of frolicking
In our garden of bliss
I need to see you
Because I can't stand to be
On this plateau without you
Another eternity longer
That's what time feels like
When you're far removed from me
And spatial reasoning won't bring
You near
Closer in proximity to my current
I need to see you
As if staring into the sun
Only blinds me to my own faults
And helps me see you
As naked truth
Because I am
Lost with you as I am lost without you
I need to see you
Like the moon sun and stars
Rise and set in unison
Hang out in the heavens
Celestial planets
Giving off heat and energy
Radiant rays of radiance
For all to admire
Falling from the sky
As meteors
Balls of rock glass and fire
I need to see you
Like a bandit robs
For the shear pleasure
Of a simple complex thrill
A hitman kills because he gets paid to
And a bounty hunter hunts the wanted
To bring 'em back dead or alive
I need to see you
So I can survive

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Get Over You, Get Over Me!

Someone somewhere is trying
To get over me
Like I'm trying to
Get over him
Not because of hurt
But by things
You see we just weren't
Meant to be
Not this lifetime
Season or realm
No matter how we tried
To twist and interwine
Oil and water
Just don't mix
One additive added to
Another sometimes
Just dilutes
We both can shine
With perfect balance
One out of four seasons
Is all it takes
But we forever
Were out of sync
Somewhere someone is trying
To get over me
Like I'm trying to get over him
But the dj's have a conspiracy
Against us for they
Keep playing that
Song, that melody
That relights the flame
Rekindles a fire
Inside you, inside me
Which brings about
A revisit
To a pound of pleasure
An infection
With no cure
A pill, a needle
A transfusion
I don't know the long
Term remedy
But I'm hopeful
That rescue is not too far gone
For the need is obvious
We're spinning around
On our axis
Lost yet found
We are the center
Of synergy
Somewhere someone is trying
To get over me
Like I'm trying to get over him!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Green As Love

If love is like money
How are you spending it honey
Are you constantly experiencing lack
Because when applying
Shopping strategies your
Senses are whacked
There's nothing wrong with a potential mate
Having something to offer long term besides dinner dates
Quality time is how you build interest
Put your heart where you put your funds
In the bank of your consciousness
So passion can
Appreciate in value
Stop spending your time in nonsense ways
And invest into effecting those you care for everyday
With meaningful acts of love and kindness
A caress, a kiss and a hug
Simple devotion
Profitable returns.

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Good Man

From his head down
To the soul of his feet
He's got to be more in
Love with God
Than he's infatuated
With me
I have to know he has
A knowledge of his
Self worth in the scheme of
How he holds up under
Pressure is a concern
Of mine
How he values living
And respects time
There's so much excitement
Passion and ecstasy left
To explore
Holding on to me while
I travel the spiritual realm
Takes more than muscle
To come along for the ride
Some days are feather light
We roll, glide and fly
And always we are love
Peace and serenity!

I Miss You

He said some words to me
He wishes he could take back
I said some things
That I can say again and again
I loved him from the beginning
Was connected in my dreams
Just seemed as though that was
Too much for him to comprehend
Admitting that love for spirit
Could be so eloquent
Through time and space
Now he misses me and I don't know him.