Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Poetry is My Love

I can think of so many reasons
To answer the why
Of just why do I love poetry
Poetry had a thing for me before
I could string a sentence
Prepare a phrase
Stand a stanza
Vibe a verse
Or turn a page
I tell you poetry has loved me
Before the age
And when he sat me down
To teach me how to love him back
I smiled with relief
Because I realized he was going to
Be the man for me for all my life
You see poetry gives me the feeling
Of bliss totally everyday
He tells me I can tell him everything
That's on my heart or on my mind and all my concerns
Poetry is like God 
He never leaves me or
Thinks I'm overreacting
Or emotionally out of control
Poetry knows me inside out
When I'm awake or sound asleep
Loves me like he made me
Caresses me tenderly
And matures me magically
When poetry holds my hand we pen words
That sometimes only he and I can understand
I can cry, shout, rant and rave on paper and out loud
And he gets me most often and when he doesn't
There's no storming out or slamming doors
Poetry just brings me more paper
A microphone
A stage
A soapbox
And so much more
Poetry is my love
He whispers words of mesmerizing melodies
Blows in my ear
And bites me on my neck
When he has me at his will
He moves in closer and kisses me on my lips
I exhale to be inhaled
And revived
Poetry reminds me how loved I am
Life is wonderful
I'm glad that I'm alive
Still when cloudy days come
Trying to leave the blues on my doorstep
Powerful prose presents itself
I get my strength
Stand tall and reflect
I'm a force
A word warrior
Poetry has my back
And these are just a few good reasons why I love Poetry like that.

1 comment:

  1. Wheeeeeeeeeeew!!!
    You hit the nail in the coffin on this one. Smh, damn!
    I so agree. Don't know what I would do if I could not express myself and no matter what besides my Creator, poetry has always filled that void for me when others could not or shall eye say could not relate or understand me. At times I left it, but it has always been
    "My Outlet"!!!!
    Love this jewel you dropped sistah

