Monday, July 23, 2012

Journey of The Pen

I held you in my hand
I thought I had you all to myself
And then it happened
I went to sleep 
Lost my grip
Before I knew what had transpired
You were gone on a short trip
The course we started on has
taken us in separate directions
And yet I live
For the words we wrote
Have now taken on a different path
They've been made audible
Some signals too low
And others too high
But someone gets
This journey that we are on
For they are suitable travelling buddies
Progress of the pen leads a poet to passage
That connects the past to the present 
Ascribing a future
That only penholders get
The pen
Is my best character witness
Held in anyone's hand
An instrument for writing
Drawing and scribbling
Life is my paper
Ink has the strength of blood
It's serious
Just as important as rivers of water
Detachable metal penpoints
The writer flows a vernacular
Sweet, sexy, strong
And sentimental
Journey of the Pen

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