Thursday, June 28, 2012

Spiritual Strategy

Gotta make a change
In selection process
You know a new approach
For success
Been focused on the wrong
Hoping to find a King
For a Queen
Always left with a little bit
Of a mess
Direct result of
Counseling with the flesh
Sat down
Had a conversation
With myself
Jesus held the pen
And God did all the talking
I woke up from
My dream conference
And now what's left
Is for me to get to walking
Starting with a new set
Of question
What's your take
On God, universe or Spirit
Have you been baptized by water
Washed in the blood
Filled with Holy Ghost power
Have you taken responsibility
For your own sinful actions
Or are you still maturing
Running in place
With no traction
I'm not professing to be
A saint but I know who I am
In the Heavenly realm
So you can answer
With the truth or you can evade
But whatever the case
I'm going to be ahead
Spritual strategy
Trinity unity
Ride or die
In the end we fly
Jesus, God and I.


Nurturing is just something that
all women have the propensity
to do
Now who she is and how she has
become the woman she is
just how well she
some of us do it so well
that we got stories to tell
of how we raised children
we didn't birth
How we mentored little boys
who walk the earth
as well balanced
good loving
intelligent men
How we cultured the little
pearl of a princess
who now parades
the stage of life
like a model
an angel
a wife.

Nurturing is just something that
all women have the propensity
to do
we can provide
for the mental
the physical
the emotional
and the spiritual
We feed the body with well cooked meals
simple to complex
and encourage
the babies of generations
with our love
and development
to foster life giving spirits
to promising
and musicians.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

If It Could

Money can't buy you love
It can however create an atmosphere
That feels like bliss
So now she has a house
A car and a man she rally can't stand
All because he thought
Dollar bills
Would give her thrills and chills
She's getting gratification
And he has a false sense of passion
She plays him real good
He manipulates just to own her love
And she reciprocates long enough
To satisfy his libido
Giving her another favor for his pleasure
She's a modern day gold digger
He's drowning in a sea of misconceptions
Not recognizing shallow water
Money can't buy you love
It can however create an atmosphere
That feels like bliss.

Feel Me

Feel me
When I speak as if my tongue
Just touched your cheek sending
That right sensation to your intellectual
Letting you know
How completely
I am
Feel me
As I palm you with my pen
Again and again
Examining the palpitations
Of your heart
From across the room
Your next thought
Of me and you
Feel me
When I speak

Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Never Lied

I never lied
Told it as I felt it
I like a man fit
Because I plan to move
Stay active
All the days of my life
I want to run, leap, fly
And swim with love
Not be buried with the burden
That comes with carrying
The love that's not shared, divided
Or reciprocated
I never lied
Told it as I liked it
I like a teddy bear of a man
Is it possible
He can dance me around
The room
And sweep me off my feet
But will I be comfortable
In loving that much man
I never lied
Told it as I know me
Changing at my own pace
It's a new season
I want to experience
That passion denied
Because of stereotypes
Being held by a love
Potion that is as sweet
As it is warm
I never lied
Told it as I see it
When I open my eyes
In the morning
Words are eloquent
Strong and romantic
But past the tongue
Vision speaks
I gotta like the
Man I see everyday of our
Newfound history
I never lied

Monday, June 18, 2012

Air Balloon

I keep trying to love
Let go
Let God
Have this relationship
That doesn't exist between the two
Of us
But the less I try to love
The harder opening up
To the reality seems to get
The more I esteem him
The madder I become
That I can't shed him
Like hair fell from our cat
On the floor
On my sweater
In the middle of winter
I'm not playing games
With him or with my heart
I've stood naked in my emotions
Completely exposed
Right down to my pretty brown skin
Verbs, adjectives, nouns
And moles
I know God hears me so the plan
Must be more than I can comprehend
So for this moment
I'm going to let him rest in the
Corners of my recesses while God
Works on me
Lest I digress
To hostile intent.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Burden of Love

Started out a mustard seed
Small and strong in spice
Just enough to pump a heart
Make it skip a beat
Lose some sleep
Time has taken a quantum leap
And now my love is this
Enormous heap
A mound of coal
Weighing heavy
Heavier on my soul
I've been enamored
Other days a total mess
My love is a wheelbarrow's load
A mule's bent back
An oxen's yoke
This passion of mine
Has become a burden
I can't unload
A heave
Or a hoe
Love keeps up with me
Wherever I go
Futile it seems I can't lose it
Misplace it
Or leave it there
On his porch
The front seat of his car
In a picture frame
Of hanging from the first
Bright star
He won't help me
Break this down
Into tangible, manageable, bearable charms
My love is a burden
Once a mustard seed strong.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

She Wants Pt.3

She wants to discover things with you that add delight to life. She wants to uncover nuggets of you that make her stand in awe and not bend in despair. She wants love.

She wants you to know that it's not always about the money. She's willing if you're willing. She wants communication.

She wants him to know that sometimes it's only about the journey with you and nothing else. 

She wants him to know that some moments she just wants to be held because the warmth of his body signifies strength and love no words needed.

She wants to be the reason you smile at the very least the thought that brings a gleam and a sparkle to your eyes.

She wants you to know that the thin line between love and hate does still exist. And although she won't kill you she makes you wish she had.

She wants to hear you state how you can love her like she needs to be loved not how you can handle her, women were designed with love and passion according to God's heart. 

She wants you to know that the thought of you and the sound of your voice do excite her but after the initial conversation the residual of you is a mind numbing pain in the heart. She wants more....

Love Shaked and Speared

My love for him is Shakespearean
Like how many times will he try to kill me
With his sugar coated lies
And empty senseless alibis
I died often
At my own hand
But I keep bringing me
Like curtain calls
And encores
When his performance is
Far below mediocre
I want more
Substance must be added
He’s theatrical
Or maybe it’s me
An inward drama
With lights
Bells and bold colors
He’s comical
Sometimes I just shake my
Knowing full well I want
To slap him
Full swing
Like left hook
Knockout punch
He’s satirical
Trying to confuse my
Killing me softly
Using irony
Sarcasm or ridicule
To denounce
Exposing my heart
To capture like vice grips and
My love for him is Shakespearean
Like how many times will he try to kill me
Before I die
With permanence.

She Wants (rough draft)

She wants quality time with you that involves her being the center of your attention. She wants to be your revolution starting point. She wants to be your pivot. She wants to keep your head spinning. She wants….
She wants a man she can follow who leads with logic, facts, reason & integrity. She wants an upright man. She wants a god man. She wants….
She wants him to protect her. She wants him to want to provide for her. She wants him to fix what she can’t. Sometimes she wants him to just be there, standing by. She wants…
She wants his word to be the tie that binds. She wants his words to touch her heart with his truth. She wants a promise kept. She wants a promise keeping man. She wants….
She wants to feel like her world is made better by being with him. She wants to be able to say her world is better because of him. She wants better. Bring her better! She wants……
She wants him mighty to stand all around her and at the same time in front of her with confidence. She wants him mighty in valor and character. She wants…
She wants his love to be full & effectual. She wants his love to be faithful, loyal and trustworthy. She wants…
She wants to see through his eyes to his inner man as though he is transparent yet crystal clear. She wants….
She wants to love him like she never thought she could love anybody else besides her own flesh, poetically!
She wants to think like him yet stay feminine like God created her. She wants to be high like His thoughts, out of reach! She wants…
She wants to be so into Him that she’s lost to the world. She wants to be so meshed in Him that the line is invisible. She wants….
She wants a mate she can trust and follow. She wants security and certainty. She wants to sleep serenely. She wants all God has for her…
She wants to reside where angels glide. She wants to walk around heaven all day. She wants to sing and shout about God’s goodness. She wants….
She wants God’s peace. She wants God’s promises. She wants God’s power. She wants a man who wants the same of God. She wants…
She wants to be who God says she is. She wants what God says she can have. She wants God’s heart. She wants….
She wants to be in God’s purpose. She wants God’s passion. She wants to stand in God, for God and with God. She wants…
She wants to stand in God’s presence. She wants to kneel before His throne. She wants to hear Him speak. She wants….
She wants to be in God’s love. She wants to be God’s love. She wants God’s love. She wants to be in God’s word. She wants to be God’s word….
She wants to wait on God. She wants to be still in God. She wants to move in God. She wants…
She wants God’s peace. She wants to share God. She wants a mate dedicated to God’s kingdom. She wants a mate prepared to lead. She wants…
She wants to be overwhelmed by His spirit. She wants to understand His message. She wants to get as much of Him she can stand! She wants…
She wants him to understand her insecurities without taunting her. She wants him to hold her. She wants…
She wants to see his love. She wants to feel his love. She wants his love to be an action. An adjective. A verb…
She wants love to be the totality of him. She wants love to be a noun, him!
She wants to know they’re a match made in heaven, literally, figuratively in the mind of God. She wants know his spirit by His spirit. She wants….
She wants his hands in her hair like His hands counts and numbers every strand. She wants his caress as much as she needs His breath of life. She wants…..
She wants the burden of love to be so easy that it’s as light as a feather. She wants love to be mutual in intensity. She wants…
She wants to hold him up with her right hand while her write hand holds him down on the paper that is the captor of her poetry! She wants to scribe their love story. She wants…
She wants to laugh, cry, dance and rejoice with him without losing step or skipping a beat. She wants to be the words to his melody. She wants his melody to be her song. She wants…
She wants awesome. She wants awesomeness to be her best friend. She wants to say her man is awesome. She wants him to be her best friend. She wants……
She wants mutual understanding. She wants solidarity. She wants you. She wants…

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tall, Dark & Handsome

I remember when I was in love
with a man I never wanted to be
but alas he didn't cut for me like that
he was a gentleman
dedicated, kind and giving
so many good characteristics
and attributes that made
release quite hard
the sight of him took my breath
and even right now as I pen this prose
my chest is tightening
from the kind of passion
the Shakespeare spoke about
wrote about
I had to save myself
admitted to myself
that I deserved to be loved like I love
if not harder.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

She Wants Pt. 1

She wants you to see her as a crystal glass and then we'll work on whether or not you perceive her as half full or half empty. She wants a man who understands emotions.

She wants you to know that flaws make me unique however you have to have an appreciation for real quality leather, vintage items and diamonds in the raw to get me. She wants him who sees like God sees.

She wants to share a truth with you that she has made some mistakes but those haven't killed her just scarred her and raised her standards for the future.

She wants him to know that remembering the good times only when it's convenient is not the way to strengthen this kind of relationship.

She wants you to know that she's singlehandedly handling things because God is still working on her man. She wants the hand of the man perfect for her.

She wants and needs a man who realizes that the both of us are pillars of strength brought together to hold up, build up and lift up each other and a nation!

She wants to know what he is thinking because if he really knew her he'd be right here already, center stage holding her heart.

She wants him to know that although he took many things from her he still didn't kill her which means she still has dreams, drive, desire, determinination and Deity. It's a done deal, destiny.

She wants you to know that there is still room in her life for some firsts. She wants....

She wants it known that she's faked loving just like she's faked orgasms. A maximum facade.

She wants you to know that tolerance and patience are two different types of acceptance but they both run out eventually.

She wants you to know that persecution is real and that her trust in God's appointed new beginning is where her enduring hope resides.

She wants you to know that being a woman of God is not easy and is not for all women but it is totally rewarding in a plethora of ways.

She wants to put her all on the altar and leave it there. The good, the bad, and  the indifferent trusting God to sift and perfect. She wants....

She wants him to look her in the eyes and know already because God has looked him in the eyes and revealed her to him. She wants....

She wants you to know that fighting for love is not something Queens do, however she will fight to protect and keep the hearts involved as long as she perceives the love true and worthy.

She wants you to know that she has no idea how long she's waited, how long she'll wait or if she's even waiting. Right now she just is...being.

She wants you to know that she loves with every inch of her being and that's what makes this moment in love the good fight that it is. She wants to more than win she purposes to keep. It's not a game. She wants....

She wants you to know that letting go of that one thing was the hardest decision she's had to make in a very long time. She wants you to feel her passion with every fiber of your being because that's how she loves you!

She wants to please God in the belief that her deliverance from a situation lies in His word that she is the prize worthy of much!

She wants him to know that as a woman of God, mature in Spirit and flesh there are some things she won't compromise.

She wants him to understand that knowing and doing and getting are all separate but work wonders together.

She wants you to know that she's waiting on you and she stay waiting until you show up because she's not willing to settle for mediocre when she can have royalty! She wants....

She wants you to know that the "S" on her t-shirt stands for; Saved, Smart, Sexy & Straight! She wants to share the abundant life with you.

That's How

I just want to kiss
You again and again
For morning
Noon, midnight
To let you feel the heat
Of this passion I carry
To silence your voice
When love is all that matters
And over frivolous things
You tarry
I just want to kiss you
With a vacuum like
Whereas it feels like
Life is being sucked from me
And in the same instance
I just want to kiss you
Standing still
Knees bent
Falling over
And the only strength
I have is wrapped up in
Your arms
Holding me.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

She Wants

She wants to be able to talk to him about her shoes, her hair, her clothes, her dreams and know he cares just because it's important to her.

She wants to be held by the hand or the waist when they walk down the street. She wants it to be understood that she's his woman and he's her man, without words. She wants.....

Monday, June 4, 2012

She Wants

She wants a man she can talk to about anything. She wants him to understand that the best thing he can do for her at that moment is just listen and smile. She wants just a little compassion. 

She wants his senses to be one hundred percent
But sensitive enough to be in tune
With the rhythm of her heart and soul.

She wants his senses to be her senses that they make sense to no one else except each other.
She wants to be so close to him that their brain waves
Connect with out verbal beats of their esophagus.

She wants to be so close to him that her goose bumps get goose bumps when she dreams about him during the day and in her nights.
She wants to be so close that the hairs on her skin hold hands with the hairs on his skin.
She wants.....

Friday, June 1, 2012


I know I'm in love with his essence
His character
My perception of his nobleness
I feel special in that my life in that moment
Is unique
My heart spins around
In my chest
From bliss
The silence we share
Is just as golden as the laughter
And the social studies episodes
That we discuss based on our
I know I'm in love with his essence
Because it radiates off of me
When my lips part to speak his name
To tell of a story of the three night getaway
I want to tell him so many things
That come to the forefront of my mind
And at the same time I want to keep my secrets
Just a little while longer


I never believed in love at first sight
I still don't but I promise when I saw
His face on that open mic poster
I swooned, for a second, I know
And then it started
I began a strategy
To make my free time
About him
Without divulging this
To anyone, not even my mom
Laugh out loud
Then the appointed day and the hour
I saw him, I saw him perform
I heard him, I heard him sing
I wanted, I wanted a piece of him
I settled, I settled for a melodic memory
Until the next time I saw him at another
It was there that I knew what I had to do
Introductions, smiles and purposeful plans
To connect again
And we did
When he strokes his guitar
I'm the only one in the room
Not really but relatively
Understand it's my dream
My art, my poetry
It's all about him
It's all about me
And then he invited me over
Because he lived around the corner
Forty five minutes literally
I thought I'm gonna be a groupie
But there was only me
I pondered
I relaxed
We chatted, we ate, we revealed just a corner
Of ourselves
And then we fell asleep, peacefully
I liked that as much as I love him now