Saturday, June 16, 2012

She Wants (rough draft)

She wants quality time with you that involves her being the center of your attention. She wants to be your revolution starting point. She wants to be your pivot. She wants to keep your head spinning. She wants….
She wants a man she can follow who leads with logic, facts, reason & integrity. She wants an upright man. She wants a god man. She wants….
She wants him to protect her. She wants him to want to provide for her. She wants him to fix what she can’t. Sometimes she wants him to just be there, standing by. She wants…
She wants his word to be the tie that binds. She wants his words to touch her heart with his truth. She wants a promise kept. She wants a promise keeping man. She wants….
She wants to feel like her world is made better by being with him. She wants to be able to say her world is better because of him. She wants better. Bring her better! She wants……
She wants him mighty to stand all around her and at the same time in front of her with confidence. She wants him mighty in valor and character. She wants…
She wants his love to be full & effectual. She wants his love to be faithful, loyal and trustworthy. She wants…
She wants to see through his eyes to his inner man as though he is transparent yet crystal clear. She wants….
She wants to love him like she never thought she could love anybody else besides her own flesh, poetically!
She wants to think like him yet stay feminine like God created her. She wants to be high like His thoughts, out of reach! She wants…
She wants to be so into Him that she’s lost to the world. She wants to be so meshed in Him that the line is invisible. She wants….
She wants a mate she can trust and follow. She wants security and certainty. She wants to sleep serenely. She wants all God has for her…
She wants to reside where angels glide. She wants to walk around heaven all day. She wants to sing and shout about God’s goodness. She wants….
She wants God’s peace. She wants God’s promises. She wants God’s power. She wants a man who wants the same of God. She wants…
She wants to be who God says she is. She wants what God says she can have. She wants God’s heart. She wants….
She wants to be in God’s purpose. She wants God’s passion. She wants to stand in God, for God and with God. She wants…
She wants to stand in God’s presence. She wants to kneel before His throne. She wants to hear Him speak. She wants….
She wants to be in God’s love. She wants to be God’s love. She wants God’s love. She wants to be in God’s word. She wants to be God’s word….
She wants to wait on God. She wants to be still in God. She wants to move in God. She wants…
She wants God’s peace. She wants to share God. She wants a mate dedicated to God’s kingdom. She wants a mate prepared to lead. She wants…
She wants to be overwhelmed by His spirit. She wants to understand His message. She wants to get as much of Him she can stand! She wants…
She wants him to understand her insecurities without taunting her. She wants him to hold her. She wants…
She wants to see his love. She wants to feel his love. She wants his love to be an action. An adjective. A verb…
She wants love to be the totality of him. She wants love to be a noun, him!
She wants to know they’re a match made in heaven, literally, figuratively in the mind of God. She wants know his spirit by His spirit. She wants….
She wants his hands in her hair like His hands counts and numbers every strand. She wants his caress as much as she needs His breath of life. She wants…..
She wants the burden of love to be so easy that it’s as light as a feather. She wants love to be mutual in intensity. She wants…
She wants to hold him up with her right hand while her write hand holds him down on the paper that is the captor of her poetry! She wants to scribe their love story. She wants…
She wants to laugh, cry, dance and rejoice with him without losing step or skipping a beat. She wants to be the words to his melody. She wants his melody to be her song. She wants…
She wants awesome. She wants awesomeness to be her best friend. She wants to say her man is awesome. She wants him to be her best friend. She wants……
She wants mutual understanding. She wants solidarity. She wants you. She wants…

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