Friday, March 29, 2013

The Color of Hate

She's out in front
Standing higher
Than the rest
Placed on a platform
Elevated just a little
Doesn't make her
Better than the rest
But to them
Something about it
Seems unneccessary
Deems her negative
Questions asked
Are supposed
To be about the
Instead the man
Is questioning
Her authority
Could it be her feminity
Her nationality
Her confident smile
Or her commanding tone
The way she moves about the
Handling the microphone
She can't find the right
Word to describe the vibe
But for sure it
Felt discrimnatory
She's not backing down
Although her voice speaks
Volumes in strength
Her face shows
Disbelief and some disgust
She cannot hide the ill
Feeling reeling round
Inside her but
The evening must go on
According to the plan
The color of hate
Shall not win this hour
For the Nubian Queen
Stands in power.

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