Friday, March 8, 2013


Despicable laced lips
Talking at me as if his life
And living ain't foul
To say his past is better
Than mine
My last days have
Been promised to out
Shine my present days
Something he obviously
Doesn't understand
Never been married
A tag that just might
Satisfy and mesmerize
As if to say he's a virgin
A good catch
But in reality
He's just as used
As he makes me out to be
Uncommitted wretch you see
We both have children
To the same count
He ain't never been married
But freedom cost a pretty penny
I walked that aisle
Times two
Stayed in there first
Certified family
Fourteen years
Ups and downs
Ins and outs
He ain't never been married
As if to say he's a virgin
Three girl children
That's what he has
Talking at me like he don't have a past
That lacks commitment
Of the committed kind
When he gets mad he walks
Out the door
Because that's how he plays
The game
Trying to make me feel bad
With insults in disguise
Set a good example I say
Stop telling lies
If you want to show a woman
Respect marry her and give her
Your name anything short
Of that is just a crying shame
Hopefully she recognizes her worth
And doesn't allow you to
Keep up this crime.

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