Friday, March 29, 2013

The Color of Hate

She's out in front
Standing higher
Than the rest
Placed on a platform
Elevated just a little
Doesn't make her
Better than the rest
But to them
Something about it
Seems unneccessary
Deems her negative
Questions asked
Are supposed
To be about the
Instead the man
Is questioning
Her authority
Could it be her feminity
Her nationality
Her confident smile
Or her commanding tone
The way she moves about the
Handling the microphone
She can't find the right
Word to describe the vibe
But for sure it
Felt discrimnatory
She's not backing down
Although her voice speaks
Volumes in strength
Her face shows
Disbelief and some disgust
She cannot hide the ill
Feeling reeling round
Inside her but
The evening must go on
According to the plan
The color of hate
Shall not win this hour
For the Nubian Queen
Stands in power.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lover's Blues

In the day
And the midnight hour
Almost exhausted
But not willing to give up
Or let go of the hope
That lies between the fingers
And the threads of a three
A lover's grief
As they search for the
Complement to their silhouette
Knowing that with
The heart as a guide the first
Love of all loves
Is buried deep inside
For the riches that
A lover needs most
Lie dormant
Like hibernation
Until the season is right
One doesn't search for the sun
They simply wait for it's rising
And one has only to wait
For it's setting
To encounter the moon
And the stars
Finding your true love
Should be a natural
As easy as nature
In the day
And the midnight hour.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Legacy of Jesus

That life that can be lived
by you
And by me
Intangible, visible
Totally obtainable
Clearly understood
Yet misconstrued
Because we keep trying
To fit the mold.
The framework that society keeps forcing us into.
Jesus is a legacy
But we've been given opportunity.
Long past the proverbial pot
At the end of the rainbow.
The past
The ancestry
Will make it's way back around
Just wait and see
Nothing is new under the sun
Only redefined
Eye know this
and you'll see
In due time
More than a piece of property
Take Him alongside
right up to the gates of eternity
and at the same instance
He'll be there waiting
for you
The wait of life
Is nothing compared to the
Weight of the cross
all to gain
ain't nothing lost
Jesus is a legacy
Making me a legacy
We went to the same school
Eye know
You'll see
and obsolete
that will be us one day
it's the body thang
just keep breathing
my inheritance
will give my soul wings
making me rich
beyond belief
Jesus is a legacy.
Eye know this
you'll see.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lighthouse Blues

Shinning bright
Like a North Star
At midnight
In the middle of the terrain
Along the peninsula
Close to the shore
Water washes
Waves crash
But force is just a breeze
Devastation doesn't touch me
I'm a lighthouse
On a mountain high
Or maybe not but
I'm content
To shine t'wards all four corners
Of the world
From atop this pile of rocks.

Beyond the Eyes

The sky is where I send my prayers
High above the clouds
Beyond the eyes reach
Help me
Be patient
And wait on my just right
Now I ain't say perfect
Because I'm that smart
I know perfection is a trick
None of us has that
Sucker licked
We're all short
Lacking some characteristic
That keeps us sane
But enough flaws that make
Us unique
Added to a little
Ensures we're not plain
I send my prayers to the sky
Out of reach beyond the eyes
The moon
The stars
The sun
They all do their part
Making us a revolution
Everyday is a brand new start
And I wait for him
To love
To be love
To give love
A ring on my phone
A ring on my finger
And a ring around a planet
I have the world
Because I'm the King's girl
Waiting on my just right man
To set me on my axis
In the middle of his

Desert Love

Dehydrated or so it seems
my love life is barren
every so often along the way
I run into a cactus
but before I can enjoy
the fruit of it I prick
the fingers of my heart
I think I'll turn into a camel
and live off the love leftover
in the hump on my back
suppose it will get me just so far
is there a gauge in that hump

My Eros is in error
like negative in it's polar effect
or so it seems
I'm looking to the future
and every time I think I'm getting closer
there the heat is
I recognize a mirage when I feel one
I mean when I see one
I'm wild and lovely but
alone in my wilderness
Dehydrated or so it seems

There's that love designed for desert
living and it's going to find it's way
to me for I am a resting place
for weary affection that
has traveled the sands of a lonely
I am a burst of color

Friday, March 8, 2013


Poetry does imitate life
Be mindful of the fact
And some days
She is simply a crayon
A charcoal pencil
An awesome art form
A greeting of great joy
A trumpet sound
Before impending success
A cross to bear
Words to share
And spread
A mindset
A flowers sensational aroma
A monster sized footprint
Poetry does imitate life

Pillow Talk

He wants to hear
what's on my mind
Looks me in the eye
And sees the inquiry
The sparkle
Says I can talk
Until I fall asleep


Despicable laced lips
Talking at me as if his life
And living ain't foul
To say his past is better
Than mine
My last days have
Been promised to out
Shine my present days
Something he obviously
Doesn't understand
Never been married
A tag that just might
Satisfy and mesmerize
As if to say he's a virgin
A good catch
But in reality
He's just as used
As he makes me out to be
Uncommitted wretch you see
We both have children
To the same count
He ain't never been married
But freedom cost a pretty penny
I walked that aisle
Times two
Stayed in there first
Certified family
Fourteen years
Ups and downs
Ins and outs
He ain't never been married
As if to say he's a virgin
Three girl children
That's what he has
Talking at me like he don't have a past
That lacks commitment
Of the committed kind
When he gets mad he walks
Out the door
Because that's how he plays
The game
Trying to make me feel bad
With insults in disguise
Set a good example I say
Stop telling lies
If you want to show a woman
Respect marry her and give her
Your name anything short
Of that is just a crying shame
Hopefully she recognizes her worth
And doesn't allow you to
Keep up this crime.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Shall I wait for you
Like trees reach for the sky
Like embers burn
And hot spots
Until water quenches
The desire
Shall I wait for you
While your absence
Or indifference to love
Wiles away the glow
That hides and resides
Deep within
Like caterpillars change
Into butterflies inside
Shall I wait for you
Like balloons
Soar to heights unreachable
And unforeseeable
No strings attached
Nothing holding love
Shall I wait for you

Monday, March 4, 2013

Eye Dreams

I write poetry
and love is my theme
it tells a story
that comes to life
every night in my
I'm a dreamer
but meaning and purpose
line my eyelids
when I'm deep in sleep
affection is my aim
my heart is set
to directly direct
an arrow with
passion dipped like poison
to connect and calm
the flight that lays wait
of you
run a little longer knowing
you can't hide forever
and when you stop
my love will cause you
to wonder why you ever ran
from me
the dream will become your
love will paint a memory
upon the canvas of your heart
and we'll be stuck like glue
the kind with
supernatural strength
that holds grains of sand

Love is An Illusion

My type of guy
comes to life everyday
in my memory

He is alive and can be
found on the streets of

But I don't think
he realizes his
positioned place
in my history

My type of guy
came to my rescue
like he said he would
and even though
the expertise eluded him
he did shine

he's a picture
hid and displayed
because some days that's all
I have.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Teach Me

I wanna know you
Let me near
Close enough to get
Your quirks
And whisper
In your ears
The tunnels that connect
Land to sea
That take me from your hands
Straight to your hear
And never leave you empty
I wanna know you
How to caress you
Like no other has ever
To touch you with my
Eyes and mesmerize you
With a smile
To make the finest of hairs
Stand horizontal.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Aroma Therapy

And how does she do it
Every night
With the patience of anticipation
She waits for the day
The evening
When his scent is all it takes
To lull her to sleep at the sun's setting
And the moon's
Rising and when morning comes
And the optimum
Optical finds her eyes set
On him
A perfect methodical
Pacifying tower
And she waits

I'm in Love

When I open my eyes
It's love I see
Creative energy
Sunshine from the inside
Of me

I'm in love with
The inner woman
And when we step out
We invite

I'm universal, universe
We're wide and deep
Strong and sweet
Life carriers
Breath breathers

I'm in love

Change of Mind

I changed my mind
when I realized I
was reacting to the rejection
that wasn't supposed to offend

I can't make him love me
like me or appreciate
the time he spent with me

Choosing to ignore
me is a choice
people make
however I'm crossing

I'm taking me by the
hand, by the halo
that is my energy
and I'm going to shine

When I see you
I'm speaking
smiling and laughing
because seriously
I love the goodness of joy

I changed my mind

My Man

My man is gorgeous
I felt him near me
I heard his voice
and peppermint
is the taste of him
others see him and ask
and others see us and know

My man is gorgeous
and he's with me wherever
I am
he goes
and when I can't see him
he sees me

My man is gorgeous
tall, thick and pretty brown
his arms got me
his feet carry me
attached to his legs
that keep both of us

My man is gorgeous
I want him
when I think of him
I want him
when I embrace him
I keep him in my heart

My man is gorgeous
he was with me in my
he has me talking in my
and when I wake up

My man is gorgeous
he inspires me to write poetry
he is my poetry
my prose
my vocabulary

My man is gorgeous
he's my therapy
he keeps me straight
and bends my curves
and strokes my alters

My man is gorgeous