Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cheap Speak

He keeps saying
He’s going to make it happen
She thinks his mouth is only flapping
Like the flapper deep inside
The toilet bowl
With little control
With all the words floating
And swirling around in
The air
One good wind blowing
Could change the aroma in
The atmosphere
But he keeps saying
He’s going to make it happen
She hopes for his sake
It’s sooner than later
Prolonged straining is never
Good for any relationship
It hems us up or
Causes constipation of relating
Nothing gets out
And we die within
Stinking, empty words.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Know This

wanted you to know
that I'm good to go
just would like your
company while I walk
this road.
seems as if you've been
here before
I got no worries
no more than usual
and having you by my side
is a comforting thought
I'm hoping my shadow
isn't to omnibus
because apparently
I have the aura that
shakes the foundation,
stability of some
and drives others totally
how can that be
I can't explain it either
I only know what is
and waiting for what's meant
to be
lifetime or eternity.

Imagine That

My imagination helps me stay in the game
the game of life when I’m hanging out on a limb
of love’s tree
where like a ripened apple
I dangle waiting for the basket
to sit underneath to catch me

My imagination
my mental creation
puts me in a place
complete because therein
is me and you
no matter what the truth is

Faculties are all my energies
colors, powers, and decorative
imagery lined up in my cranium
that keeps you near me
helping to resolve love’s
fancy difficulties

The senses can’t touch
see, smell, hear or taste you
but the imagination makes you
present, ideal, distinct and eventually
consistent with my reality

My imagination is so resourceful
gives me the ability to sail along
while I wait for you to come around
to the concept of you and me
and illustrative piece of poetry.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Sometimes my skin is calloused
as ironic as it seems
this tough dermis
protects me
protects me from the demise
your words hope to inflict
on me

but the continued low level
friction has been a series
of fiction covered facts

that I told myself already
like I am Black
I am strong
I am poetry in motion
I can’t sing
I can’t dance
but I can paint a three
dimensional picture with my
vocabulary attached to my diction
hanging off my voice projected
I’m indifferent, unsympathetic
and even insensitive
to the pinpricks
the splinters
the stabbing of that dull knife
you call words of encouraging love
meant to cut and bleed my life

but the continued low level
friction has been a series
of fiction covered facts

that I told myself already
like I am beautiful
from the inside out
I am the mother I always
hoped to be
I am earth connected
but heaven descended
I can’t fly
or walk on water
but my words can
move mountains
I can’t explain it

but the continued low level
friction has been a series
of fiction covered facts

that I told myself already
like I am a Queen
from the beginning of the story
I will survive
and my heart will be hardened
just enough
to protect, provide and procure
the kingdom that has been set
up and aside for me
I shall endure
and in the end
all the evil spoken won’t matter
Sometimes my skin is calloused

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Unspoken Words

I would like to say
you're going to get what you deserve
for treating me like that
but my inner spirit won't
allow me to speak such bullets
hollow or otherwise
I'm a woman of love and no matter
the defecation I'm still not prone
to retaliation or defamation of your

I would like to see you get
what you get when you get it
for treating me like you did
I loved you with my every thought
and my every breath I even strangled
myself at the mention of your name because
the memories quickly asphyxiated my brain
my tears fell so heavy and thick I swear I know
how Jesus felt when he knelt.

I would love to see the look on your face
when you realize who you let slip thru the
cracks of your arrogance, self absorbed
naked confidence
that reflection of surprise, disgust and
self righteousness is going to be so distorted
like magic mirrors at the horror show
your going to want to close your eyes
but the resonance of my essence will be
buried and blooming on the inside of you.
You will never be rid of me, sweet!

Who Can See?

It's obvious
at least to me
that I got you
under my skin
without your hands
a single glance
a face to face moment
that's what I got
you approached me
that sequence I remember
but the first words you
spoke have long since disappeared
your name I have embedded
every time i speak it
i'm challenged
i still have tongue tied
issues but i'm willing
to keep calling you
until i get it right
i like the sight of you
that i recall when i
holding doors ajar for
me is a lovely melody
music to my femininity
muscle unseen
but felt.

Intimacy Defined

Intimacy with me is so much
more than skin on skin
is much deeper than
it takes fathom melodies
serious thinking
dictionary conversation
the teaching of words
is a lot of the charm
holding me close
to your body
with the strength of
your arms.
Intimacy with me is so much
more than skin on skin
it’s an expression
like the deep sigh
when you’re next to me
because my heart is being
choked by the rushing
of emotions that wants
to scream using the voice
of my passion
to tell you how much I
want to be familiar with your

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Over the Top

If I was a cup of coffee
the level of
once you tasted me
would be never ending
because with every drop
of sweetness you added to
the cup it would
cause me, your delectable
cocoa to overflow
coconut from the tallest
tree would increase
my flavor
you wouldn't be able
to consume enough of me.
brown sugar
grown and picked by your
loving hands
would surmount
your taste buds
and spin your head
every extra spoonful of
enriching syrup
would cause me
to be an overflowing
running over
Nubian tall cup of

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

That Word Optional

Things you ask for that
When you get
You feel special
But with love
Is like
Take away
Because someone
Just loss a
Piece of themselves
From this torture
There seems no escape
Being optional
Means the existence of
The heart is not considered
How can such a viable
Presence be disregarded
Being left out on purpose
If not to rise
To the top
Or head of the line
Of choices
Is simple demise
Passion gone dry
Blood has left
The body
The eyes
Breath is strangled
Love is left gasping
Sleep has married
Together they make
Baby stress
The art of napping
Has left
No one’s laughing
No one loves
No one’s caring
That word optional.


I’m love on restriction
held back by the laws of attraction
I wanna run wild
disregarding the fact
that you’re not worth my while
a measure of attention
that causes one to forget
how to logically form
a valid opinion
you’re a good man
but you haven’t met the quota yet
so mother nature
and father time
have established boundaries
to keep you from crossing and me
from tossing aside all my common
and clawing thru the defining line

I’m love on restriction
held back by the laws of attraction
I wanna break through these constraints
and drag the barbwire over to your
imposing these restrictive conditions
hoping you’d understand
and change your regulatory habits
to coincide with the limitations
enforced by mother nature
and father time
allowing these ceilings to be lifted
so you and I can positively
connect discontinuing the arguments
and do some creative functioning!

Make A Fool of Me

Not that I really want you to do
this in the way that it sounds,
to knock me down
have me crying in the night
but make a fool of me
to have me jubilant
smiling from ear to ear
Passionately overwhelmed
and overtaken
with the memory of our last
I see your lips in my recollection
get lost in the hazel of your irises
glean at the brightness of
your complexion
all the while
the pleasure of your heart
visible by the upturning
corners of your orifice.
Make a fool of me
the kind that will dance
for you as gracefully
as I move when I’m with you
when I’m home alone
and whispering to my reflection
reminiscing or imagining your
arms around me and the margins
of your mouth pressed against mine.


You have some of the sweetest lips
bet you’re wondering how I know
for I haven’t touched them with any
part of me
but the pleasing fragrance of your presence
as you sat so close to me
has lingered
upon my memory
the fair yet lightly
colored complexion
you possess gives me
candy flavored
my favorite being caramel
you leave an aftertaste
in my mouth that makes
me crave you all the more
You have some of the sweetest lips
the thought of you is making it hard
to resist
the thought
the next action
should you decide to come near again
a honey dipped darlin’
I’m going to unwrap you
like Godiva chocolate
slow and
and savor the flavor
of your aroma
I’m even going
to save the gold foil
to preserve you
next to my bed
for good night
resting everytime
I close my eyes and
lay down my head.