Monday, July 15, 2013

My Flesh #2

As long as our skin is darker than most
mahogany brown
blue black
or African
we shall see harder days
but joy awaits
with our heavenly gaze

As long as our skin is darker than most
fitting in will be difficult
at best
looking for our place
of comfort
in this land will seem
to be elusive
as sandcastle
on dry land

As long as our skin is darker than most
we will have
to school our children
on how to simply
walk to the store
for candy and soda
shall we go two by two
I think so
but even this is no guarantee

As long as our skin is darker than most
I'm going to make sure that
death will be stared in the face
life beyond the clouds will
be a final resting place
because God will be the
final judge of where and when
we open our eyes a second time

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