Thursday, January 31, 2013


Dressed in white
A room
A special place
Crisp linen
Not perfect
But straight
A love life
And pure heart
For a worthy
Loving occupant
Who longs to be
With a breeze
Filled with moisture
Blowing from an ocean
Sized view
A table draped
Heart strength
Stained atmosphere
Just waiting
With candle light
Like moonlit

Monday, January 28, 2013


I want to come home to you
my man
at the end of my day
and share with you
my triumphs and my cares
while my troubles melt away
because having you by my side
lightens my load
and doubles my pleasures.

I want to talk to you
until I fall asleep
and the next day
make passionate love to you
for total ecstasy and relief!

I want to feel you
your physical, your mental
and your spiritual
I want to be so close to you
that lost in you is the same
as found with you.

I want to come home to you
my man.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


I want to wake up in
The morning
Next to you
Filling in the space
Snuggled in the gap
Where once lay empty
Void of warmth and love
I want to be in that ambit
For safekeeping
Me, my heart and my fancy
For you.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Not Playing The Game

It's true
I'm attracted to him
His smile
His quiet demeanor
The good man I see him to be
But I don't want a man
Who don't want me.
Now that wasn't what his
Words professed in the beginning
Wasn't what his body said
When he was leaning
Wasn't what his finger were feeling
When he was running them
Across my 'fro around
My perfectly shaped head.
Must be a disconnect
In that thinking
That thought he could
Have it all
While giving very little.
This ain't that game
I don't know how to play
Where pawns move
And mates get checked
This is my heart at stake
And he can't have it if I
Don't cross the line.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I want to share my water
Won't you come drink with me
And listen to the melodies
Of our heart strings.
Stand a little closer
So you can hear the
Rhythms of your words
As they reverberate
Off my eardrums
And reciprocate the sensual
From my lips
To the tips of your
Self revealed.
You don't have to tear
Down your walls
Just build a door
For me!
I want to share my water with you.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sleep Watcher

I watched him sleep
A thousand times
In my dreams
And once,
In reality
'Cause upon
He disappeared
From me
I wanted him
In a lustful way
But I desired to hold
Him in my. Heart
For eternity
So I closed my eyes
And tight
No peeking
As I didn't give
An open invite to
To kill what might be
I watched him sleep
A thousand times
In my dreams
And once,
In reality!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Girl Pieces

Behaviors insane
Lies from deep within
Turning smiles upside down
A crying shame
But the tears only last
As long as the gasp
Then you realize
You already knew the path
So you gather your mustard
And all the other spices
That girls are made of.

Celebrate With A Leap

Celebrations to be had

with the rising of the sun

and the setting of the same

a day of accomplishments

well done

I leap for joy because I can

praising God

thanking Him for His

awesome plan.

Not only am I clothed

with cloth

but my mind is right

set on heavenly things

grateful for healthy eyes

that allow me to see the Light

before me

and the bright colors

of my dreams.

My horizons

are level

my mountains are high

my plains are flat

and my valleys are green

no matter where I find myself

my companion is the same
and Jesus is his name.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Long Road to Heaven

Only I can have my madness
to sit up in the middle of the wee
hours of the morning
and pen my heart's temporary

And keep my smile
brilliant and bright
for all the world to see
in the morning

Tears of unnamed
from anger, to bliss
to stupidity on
both parties parts

Only I can have my madness
he won't get the credit
for making my mascara run
it'll be the wind and crashing
rain that brings this pain
to my facial skin.

No Time

I can't afford to have a broken heart
'Cause I got too much work to do
So I'm going to take my heart box
And give it back to Jesus
He knows what He wants
And that is for me to love strong
Free to love
Knowing reciprocity is a river
A honey comb
Of never ending sweetness
My friend and my lover
A title man wants without the sacrifice
Or that man
Wants to touch my halo with his hands
And drag my heart by a string frayed
I can't afford to have a broken heart
'Cause I got too much work to do
Left alone again I'll cry in the dark
And when morning comes
Me and Jesus will go for a walk
In the park
Hand in hand
Until that man can fill His shoes.

Stand Me Up

I am weak dear God
Won't you let Jesus tarry
With me for a while
That I might lean
And glean from the strength
Of his touch
The warmth of his glow
And the love of his heart??


I am a woman
a building full
of ideas
and emotions
too many hallways
and stairways

He will never know
all of me
his feet won't traverse
the marble
that is the strength of me
but his shoes will scuff
just the entrance way

I am a woman
with corridors long
that lead to other
with no knobs
and no hinges
and no keys

How can that be?

I am a woman
I am a mystery
I am a life giving soul
I am the be of all be

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I was listening to every word he said
Fact is
His actions were louder
I felt them
They resonated past my ear drums
And richocet
Against my dermis to the inside
Of my heart
Causing an illusion in the kaleidoscope
Of my brain
Giving hallucinations to my waking moments
And my intuition
She knew it
She called it
Before he breathed it
But it didn't make the blow
Any softer
I'll find joy in the morning
When I roll over.