Thursday, April 26, 2012

Washed By A Poet

When I spit
I spit lyrics
words of power
that takes the
dirt of the years
consistency like mud
and smoothly
quite possibly
changing the way
one sees
giving vision to dreams
where once was total darkness
a prism of emptiness
poetry smoothed
on the soul
new life in sight
When I spit.

Drive me baby I'm on the way Coming to you Been waiting, anticipating Running you through my reoccurring Daydreams I feel your breath and I'm stimulated Your lips felt as soft as they are full And your skin caresses my fingertips.

Crosses, Eggs & Baskets

My children have no Easter memories
Just what does that mean i ask Myself
I remember hair cuts and perms
Done by my hands
And specialized baskets
As well as generic five dollar ones
Random easter egg hunts
And coloring eggs
But just maybe it wasn't
An over done, over the top happening
Because I was simply trying to
 Keep them alive
So they could one day
Enjoy the Easter meaning for themselves
Of anybody else's incomplete
My children have no Easter memories
But they know their mother loves Them
and that's enough for me!

A rose of any color Won't compare to the hue Of you The thought of six or a dozen Makes me smile just because You do when you speak of Throwing pedals around the room Or on the floor leading to the bathroom Door My endorphins lunge and spin When I smell you All over my skin Long after I've boarded the Bus for home Watching you wave Bye to me and that smile Roses are lovely to look at But they don't compare to you Your aroma appeals to my sensual sensitivities And I can't wait to have you in my nasal Passageway again.

When Sex Matters

Sex doesnt always matter but often they're the best memorable moments I fight to rid myself of because aside from them you were just an awful choice. I connected my soul to you in more ways than one. I gave my all to you just short of the last breath that leaves the body on that final day. I used the same pen of my existence to affix my loving signature to a marriage certificate and on that termination day the pen of my existence scribbled the old name one more destructive time to reconstruct, remold and revive the woman that laid dormant on the altar of sacrifice and today inspite of the memories she lives!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

If He Comes Up Missing

Two  girls talking
about the apple of a man
stuck in the others' eyesight.

Trying not to become
obsessed but it's too late
lovestruck by his warm
embrace she's romantic.

They devise a plan
to kidnap that man
giggles and calculating
while drinking Moscato.

That's all we're telling
two girls on a mission
for love.


Love like white
White sheets of paper waiting for me
and my ink
Of melodic melodies
of words that turn into music notes
Once they're blended with the hums
Of your soul's desire that I read
When I gaze into your eyes.

Love pure
Like the rain that falls from
The clouds in the sky
Before being contaminated
By the thoughts and habits
Of humankind that's what I long
And yearn for when I rise in the
Morning, to see life with fresh eyes.

Friday, April 20, 2012


I saw him again the other day
And on purpose I entered his personal
Not that it mattered
Because he welcomed me
With his warm, energetic embrace
It's uncanny how
He gets under my epidermis
A smile that resonates
Through me like it has a voice
His chest pressed
My hands full
With the chiseled effects
Of his abs
My hold of him
Is sinful
But I'm so satisfied
To have his aroma in my
Nostrils that I enhance it
Stretch it
Elongate it
Is that possible yet even a word
Girl you get the picture
I want him in my world
But I'm destined to be
His friend
I'm going to accept
That position
Just long as I get to hold him
Against me!


I am beautiful
This I know
Nothing inflated
Not an ego
Just a simple truth
Told to me by others.
But it took me
A minute to believe
The reflection
That was looking back at me.
She wasn't believable
With features that never
Graced the cover of
Glamour magazine.
I'm standing once again
But I'm not in front
Of the mirror
But the throne.

I'm beautiful
This I know!

No Chasing

Let's play tag
Just us two
No not chase
Because I want you
To feel me
While I caress
And stroke you
From your mental
To ultimately
The physical
From head to toe.

Let's play tag
Just us two
We'll never get tired
Like chasers do
When we pause to
Catch our breath
Giggling and laughing
At each others exhaustive
Funlike success

Let's play tag
Just us two!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I want to be a two
Not a one but maybe
The one
Trusted, loved and reliable
A man's woman
The moon of his evening
The sun of his morrning
The stars that dance in his eyes
And light his midnight skies
The cloud that shades him
In the heat of passion
The breeze that whispers
I love you
As it passes through
The trees of our paradise
The rain that cleanses the
Dirt of the work day
And the hurt from
The past that
Shook his foundation
The tremble of his
Though the fault is only
A shift like paradigm
That lifts us
Places us on top
Of the mountain
Where hearts rest when
They've found their mate
Their souls connection
I want to be two.

18/30 HAIKU

Perfection of flaws
Makes me perfectly human
And I am unique!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Wings of freedom
Are attached to the
One thing of your
Individual passion
From love to anger
And every other emotion
The freedom of choice
You wanna be a martyr
You'll die for that
It's your Last Supper
Before your last breath
You're willing to give.
Passion like art
Paint on canvas
Words on paper
Ink on skin
You're affected by
Outside influences.

Wings of freedom
To drive your enthusiasm
Pass the point of
To send you into
Another dimension
High above the clouds
In the safe corners
Of your
Freedom in your fondness!

Monday, April 16, 2012


I don't want to change for him
To be with him
And he ain't gotta change to be with me
But what I'm hopeful of is that we will
Bloom within our relationship
Like roses do with proper water
Sun and

Saturday, April 14, 2012


This new phone is simply awesome
Just a little bit of me mixed
With technology and when
I get a bit more education for this
Nation I'm going to be on top
Of the game!

Toot Toot

That's the sound of my own horn
I have had a wonderful day of writing
It began with piece #14 in honor of
Poetry Month
and quickly proceeded to be a method
for passing the time away
some are wordy and some are
short and potent.
But I'm proud of all of them and again I say
Toot Toot