Monday, April 8, 2024


 An Acrostic

Skin, skin, everywhere

Keeps me warm from the soles  of my feet to the ends of my hair

Even though my skin is thin, it keeps me protected

Layers upon layers my skeleton moves me, brain directed

Every which way connected by tendons and such

Touch me wrong, I just may break and require a crutch

Organisms and bones make me all that I am, healthy or sick

No matter how many times I break the count is still 206!

#DivaD #poetry #verbbenders #nationalpoetrymonth2024


Ode to My Skeleton 

Oh my skeleton you bring me joy 

and the ability

to glide and move and dance

with elegance

no matter the pain my joints may give

you hold me altogether

my strong and sturdy skeleton.

#DivaD #napomo #napomo2024

#30for30for30 #nationalpoetrymonth #verbbenders

#writing #nationalpoetrymonth2024

Monday, May 9, 2022

I Am the Celebration

 I took myself on a getaway

Hopped in my car and drove the highway

Floated on the waterway

Sat watching the waves from the bay

Soaked in all the sun rays

I could that day. 

Monday, November 16, 2020


prime colors

cool breezes

falling leaves

shed skin

it's a new discovery

that we sometime miss

we have for too long

let others rob us and 

then dismiss us

not even taking the time 

to understand

but what's worse is

we have deprived

ourselves of knowing ourselves

this season has brought about

a painful

uncomfortable change

yet when looking back

I still realize I've come a long way

and tomorrow, tomorrow is 

a brand new day.  

Friday, November 13, 2020

Hope Breathes

 Hope has teammates

a posse even if you will

and they are not always 

grouped together riding into view

but trust and believe they're on the way

to rescue, comfort and fight for you

hope is very much alive

and she might well be an illusion 

seeming like she's just out of reach

somewhat hard to grasp

but she's powerful, positive and poised 

and time will bring all the good to pass

faith will ride in like a mighty wind

and dry your tears 

while blasting your fears

charity will comfort you with

the strength of self worth and love

and Jesus himself will watch you from above.

A Divine Appointment

 A simple moment of turmoil

rolled us into a day, a week , a month and a year

of darkness 

where no one hears our words

because they've been deceived

by a miserable, unhappy soul

we dream 

we cry

we ask in prayer

for strength to climb

out and over into the brilliant

existence that has been promised us

and then one day it happens

an angel crosses our path

delivering the morsel

that is needed to empower

uplift and free us from the

stronghold of everything dark

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Letter to My Mother

Dearest Momma
You have loved me
since you heard that
I was growing
in your womb
and today
your love
has propelled me
into a life
that imitates
I aspire to be like
you in every way
that has always
been planted in my
I remember days
when I would be asked
what do you want to be
when you grow up?
with no desire to attend college
I wanted to be
a wife and a mother
just like you
I have arrived at this place
and now I'm in college
and you support me
Dearest Momma